{"version":3,"file":"shared.3acfd909605c2d7c490b.js","mappings":"mBAGAA,OAAOC,YAAc,CAEjBC,UAAW,G","sources":["webpack://vue-manual/./src/2022/_shared/shared.ts"],"sourcesContent":["// Create a global for access between scripts (including taconite).\r\n// Added to the window object to prevent webpack minification renaming the global variable.\r\n// Not pretty, but it will have to do unless I use a data-reactive view framework such as VueJs or React.\r\nwindow.tradePortal = {\r\n // Will be overwritten later by an inline script due to the CSP nonce being dynamically generated.\r\n csp_nonce: ''\r\n};"],"names":["window","tradePortal","csp_nonce"],"sourceRoot":""}